Good-bye 2018!

This Christmas break didn't start off as planned as I got hit with gastro or food poisoning the first night! But, aside from the usual holiday chaos and another leaky ear for the LO, things have been pretty good so far. Mostly quiet, which I need these days. In less than 3 weeks we are headed into surgery again to replace the fallen ear tube and have her adenoids removed as well in hopes of clearing up the issues once and for all. She has another follow up with her ophthalmologist too because we are starting to see her eye turn inwards again. Hopefully the surgery works well this time and her eye can be fixed with glasses alone and we can go on with our year not plagued by medical woes. Even if she does need another eye surgery, at least we know what to expect this time and it should be the last. A quiet night ahead with no chance of making it to midnight! Ever since we actually stood in Times Square for New Year's, over a decade ago now, the thrill of watching the ball dro...