Chrysanthemum: c-h-r-y-s-a-n-t-h-E...m-u-m

Whoa, freaky moment! First off, if you read the title of this post and had no idea what it was referring to, shame on you! The only reason I can spell "chrysanthemum" is because of Anne Shirley, Anne with an "e". I grew up watching Anne of Green Gables over and over again, memorizing every single word. I have traveled to PEI specifically to indulge in anything and everything related to the series. I have seen various plays, read the books, watched the movies, watched the spinoffs and even tried to watch the remake (I couldn't do it, although I have promised myself I would try again). I have even been to the Stratford Festival just to see Megan Follows, aka Anne, act in Amadeus. Maybe I should add, I AM CANADIAN! Anyhow, back to the freaky moment. I currently working to partially remove a tattoo on my back in order to cover it up with something that is more me. I am also working on a tattoo in honor of my daughter. So, while she is named after a flower I w...