Sometimes, all you need is a new dress!

On the last day of my latest work-widow adventure, my LO’s playdate was cancelled so I had some time to (desperately try and) kill. I’ve had a gift card for one of my favorite clothing stores burning a hole in my wallet since Christmas, so I decided to take a look and see what I could find. I usually go to their liquidation outlet, but this time I hit their regular shop since it was closer to the rest of our errands and I am so glad that I did! After a quick look through the racks I remembered that I have ben hemorrhaging money lately, with car repairs and a vacation in our midst, so I tried to think of what I actually needed. Underwear, I need new underwear; both practical and necessary! A salesgirl saw me heading over to the lingerie section and offered up some help as she could see the LO was being a bit of a handful. She explained that the style I had come to love had gone through some design changes and cautioned me that the feedback had not been 100% positive. Good to know. At ...