Purple Lilacs

When we moved into our home we we forced to tackle an overrun mess of tangled vines, bushes, hedges and everything that sprouted up in between. It took hours of hard labor to clean up and even more time laying down fresh dirt, grass seed, fertilizer and constant watering to make a backyard we could stand to look at. One this was done, I wanted nothing to do with our shaded front garden as 1) it was difficult to find appropriate plants and 2) who has time for that nowadays? I tore the whole thing out without a second thought. But there is something I have always wanted, always intended to plant...but I just haven't followed through. A simple, but vibrant, lilac bush! We had one growing up, and I remember it was the only thing, aside from the raspberry bushes, that I cared for at all. I love the way they look, their smell, and the colors as well. Every year at this time there is a street near us that is in full bloom with lilacs. I always remember my intentions, and then quickly ...