Music & Lyrics

I have this file in my phone where I draft blog ideas; from broad topics to unfinished blurbs and everything in between. I was scrolling through the other day trying to get some fresh ideas when I stumbled across “Music & Lyrics”.

It must have been a year ago or more now that I had typed those words in, not sure of which direction to take them in. But I think I have finally figured it out.

You see, music doesn’t need an explanation and lyrics don’t need to make sense to everyone who reads/hears them. Music is an international language. It can match your mental state, or it can alter it. It can be a distraction, or it can help you to concentrate. It can stimulate your energy or lull you to sleep.

I remember turning to music at a very young age; as early as 5 years old in my memory but probably even before that. I used it to help me feel the emotions I could not put into words. It helped me express myself through my voice and movement, both in dance class and in my basement all alone. It dampened the negative sounds surrounding me, both in my home and in my own head at times, and it gave me a sense of security.

I can recall listening to Cyndi Lauper’s “She’s So Unusual” at about 4 or 5 years old, followed closely by Madonna’s “True Blue” playing on repeat by the time I was 7. These probably weren’t the usual playlists at that age, but as I was in Ballet Jazz at the time I had a varied assortment of artists to choose from. My parents also exposed me to their favorites like Elvis Presley, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, and Simon and Garfunkel so I was definitely the cool kid… not!

Over the years my tastes have changed, diversified and, at times, been simply inexplicable. I have gone through phases of Rap, Hip Hop, Rock, various forms of Metal, Classical, Country and I have always had a soft spot for Pop. I have listened to music in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Finnish and Germanic languages. Even if I don’t understand the words, it’s music all the same.

I had a double ear infection a couple of weeks ago that has left me with large amounts of fluid behind my eardrums. I am not deaf, but my hearing is not clear either. I guess that’s why the topic of music is jumping out at me these days, because everything sounds like it is submerged under water.

So, in the next few days I will post something to get the Music & Lyrics ball rolling; with no explanation as to why I have chosen it, no interpretation of the lyrics, and no… I will not answer any personal questions either. Just the title of the song, the artist(s) and maybe an audio file or a video, but that’s about it.

This should be fun!
