
Showing posts from July, 2019

Recipe: The Weight Watchers Bagel

So, one thing I learned the first time I went completely healthy, while pregnant, was that Bagels are the devil to a diabetic! Full of carbs, calories, sugar, and nothing particularly healthy about them. And then there is what you choose to put ON TOP of your bagel as well; butter, cream cheese, eggs, bacon, Nutella… the list goes on! But, they are so convenient to just grab and go! And that is why I finally decided to try and make the “Weight Watchers Bagel”. While I am not following the Weight Watchers diet in any way, nor endorsing them, their recipes are a good fit to a healthier lifestyle. DH was in the US for work, so I asked him to pick up some of Trader Joe's “Everything But The Bagel Sesame Seasoning” packed full of sea salt, garlic and onion. Once he got home, I went out and bought the self-rising flour and low-fat Greek yogurt and made a double batch of mini-bagels right away. The recipe I used can be found at Lord Byron’s Kitchen . And, for once, I followed the rec...

A second bite of the apple

Lifestyle and nutrition changes are on the horizon, and in the last weeks I have been making the first of many baby steps to make that happen! While I am not ready to share all of the details just yet, I will give you all a sneak peak into what I have been working on. Firstly, I have created a sister blog that will only feature certain posts related to specific topics from this site. It will be self-maintaining once I get things up and running so way less work for me! Maybe over time I will develop it a bit more, make it a bit more distinct, but for now I want to keep everything simple. Visually, it is under construction so nothing to show just yet. I will post a link once it is ready. I have also created another Instagram account purely related to “healthy” posts. Why? Because, going forward on my journey, I don’t want to overwhelm my main account with healthy this and healthy that causing followers to mute my content. And, yes, I will admit that I have done it myself so I am spea...

Music & Lyrics: "Tom's Diner" by Suzanne Vega

I am sitting In the morning At the diner On the corner I am waiting At the counter For the man To pour the coffee And he fills it Only halfway And before I even argue He is looking Out the window At somebody Coming in "It is always Nice to see you" Says the man Behind the counter To the woman Who has come in She is shaking Her umbrella And I look The other way As they are kissing Their hellos And I'm pretending Not to see them And instead I pour the milk I open Up the paper There's a story Of an actor Who had died While he was drinking It was no one I had heard of And I'm turning To the horoscope And looking For the funnies When I'm feeling Someone watching me And so I raise my head There's a woman On the outside Looking inside Does she see me? No, she does not Really see me 'Cause she sees Her own reflection And I'm trying Not to notice That she's hitching Up her skirt And while she...

Little girl, big (broken) heart!

I thought we had a dozen or so more years before we had to deal with our LO’s first heartbreak over a boy, but it has already begun! And, to be honest, I’m a little heartbroken for her too! The girls have always been outnumbered by the boys at daycare, but rather than stick with them she has always chosen to be one of the boys. And, in the last few months, she has been partial to one in particular… “My N”. She looks for him in the morning, makes sure to say good-bye to him 100 times before we leave and has even run out into the field area to pick dandelions and rocks for him before getting into the car to go home (because, clearly, that is love). And he is a sweetheart as well, running right up to her in the morning, sharing his cars with her and often shouting good-bye repeatedly from the playground as we walk away. They share a birthday month and really are the best of friends, with another little boy as their sidekick (otherwise known as the third wheel). A couple of weeks ago whe...


From the moment she was conceived, more specifically once we knew she was a girl, the quote that I associated with our LO was “…and though she be but little, she is fierce”. She was the first to survive the deep freeze as an embryo, the first of half a dozen to successfully stick to me and she even held on for dear life when I was diagnosed with a threatened abortion (miscarriage). Pregnancy was not without its difficulties, nor was delivery which ended in an emergency C-section. But through it all, she was fierce! But, in recent months, a new quote has begun to suit her character even better; her persistence, her stubbornness, her determination, and her tenacity. And what an inspirational quote it is! I am not one to go into politics publicly so look it up to find what made it go viral a couple of years ago. As I begin to map out her big girl room in my mind, I think I will incorporate this into her wall art the way I had the former. After all, I have gotten to know her a lot ...