It's over! C'est fini!

Well folks, my month off is officially over! I return to work tomorrow and the daily routine begins again. Thankfully I only have to work for 2 days before the weekend! I fear next week will feel terribly long!

I am happy to report that my hand has healed amazingly well and I have no regrets about surgery at all. Should my left hand ever need to be operated on I will not hesitate. I saw my Osteopath yesterday and they are very happy with the results as well. There is some scar tissue that needs to be softened and massaged but I can take care of that on my own. I have some strengthening exercises to do as well, but I can do them sitting on the bus if need be as they are nothing fancy or difficult. Here’s a look at the progress.

As for my head… well that is still a work in progress. I basically won’t know how I feel about returning to work until I return to work so I will jump in feet first and go from there. It won’t be easy, but I know that so I need to do what I can to ease my transition, and hopefully put everything that was left unfinished to rest once and for all.

I also met with my Endocrinologist this morning, an appointment I have been waiting months for. While happy to see her for the first time in almost 2 years, it was discouraging as well. We both agreed that I am, in fact, diabetic. And, while things are well controlled – they could be better. We talked, a lot, and decided to change one of my medications to hopefully make a difference. We will review in 6 months to see what the impact was. We discussed some alternatives as well but for now we aren’t going to rock the boat too much. I will discuss all of these things with my family doctor next week as well to see how he feels. You can never have too many opinions from doctors you trust!

So, that’s that.

As for work tomorrow, I think I am going to post this quote on my wall… as a reminder to myself about myself. I may not have accomplished all of these yet, but a reminder never hurts.

"I have outgrown many things.

I have outgrown relatives who gladly offer criticism but not support. I have outgrown my need to meet my family’s unrealistic expectations of me. I have outgrown women who wear masks and secretly rejoice at misfortunes. I have outgrown shrinking myself for men who are intimidated by my intelligence and outspoken nature. I have outgrown friends who cannot celebrate my accomplishments. I have outgrown people who conveniently disappear whenever life gets a little dark. I have outgrown those who take pleasure in gossiping and spreading negativity. I have outgrown dull, meaningless conversations that feel forced. I have outgrown those who don’t take a stand against ignorance and injustice. I have outgrown trying to please everyone. I have outgrown society constantly telling me I’m not beautiful, smart, or worthy enough. I have outgrown trying to fix every little flaw. I have outgrown my tendency to fill my mind with self-doubt and insecurity. I have outgrown trying to find reasons not to love myself. I have outgrown anything and anyone that does not enrich the essence of my soul.

I have outgrown many things, and I’ve never felt freer."

Chanda Kaushik
