
Showing posts from August, 2018

Back to school!

While we don't go into our new classroom at daycare until Tuesday, the bus and metro are full of kids going back to school. And, with that, I rarely have an empty office myself! So, in honor of back to school, I bring you September's wallpaper. Good luck everyone! September 2018

Get the tractors!

It’s the end of August, so naturally Costco has their winter pajamas, boots and snowsuits out already! We went to pick up a few things last week and I was hoping to get some 2-piece winter PJ’s but they only had footed onesies. The LO tends to sleep without any covers on so maybe those aren’t so bad after all, aside from the fact that I hate them and potty training is around the corner! She isn’t a fan of pink, and prefers blue, so when I saw a heather grey pair covered in multicolored woodland creatures I thought she would approve, or at least compromise. I showed them to her and got an immediate “no, pas ca” in response. I looked across the table and saw that the only other options were extra girly, so they wouldn’t do either. I was about to move on and then I saw her staring at something on the “boys” side of the table. I told her to go and choose one, thinking she would pick the goofy blue monster, but instead she pulled off another heather grey pair… covered in bright yellow ...

Birthday update...

It never ends! Along with belated birthday wishes today, I was faced with numerous variations of "did you at least get what you wanted?", mostly from co-workers surprised to see me on my day off (which turned into half a day because daycare is closing early on Friday and I couldn't afford 2 full days at this time of year). And yes, I did get what I had hoped for... for the most part, anyhow. Only, I'm not sure how successful I was, considering all of the days preceeding it; arguing with people, defending my wishes, conceeding to some because I no longer had the energy to fight it and so on. I mean, all that for one day of peace! Was it worth it? Do people not understand that they, in effect, contribute to my birthday funk? Well, next year, problem solved! I have decided that I will, in fact, throw myself a party for the big 4-0. And I will ONLY invite those who haven't previously FORCED me to celebrate, in celebration of THEIR understanding of my wishes! S...

39 is just around the corner...

Yup, just another year until the big one! In a few days I will turn 39 years old. And, as usual, I have made it abundantly clear that I want absolutely nothing for it and, once again, I feel like I will have to defend my choices. In fact I already have and I know that more is coming. Yippee! Most years I go through the minimum amount of motions simply to appease those around me, because that is the only way I will find one ounce of peace. Usually when someone asks me for gift ideas I tell them I don’t want or need anything, but that answer is never enough. So, last year, I played along and gave everyone the same idea for both my birthday and Christmas too. One simple thing I really wanted and needed help with. And, you know what happened? Not one person listened. Not one person got it for me. Not because it was extravagant, expensive or anything like that either. In fact, it could have cost as little as 5$ to infinite amounts! But, no one listened. No one heard. No one cared. No one...

Culture shock, part deux!

I am not quite sure how I feel about this morning’s appointment and plan of action. First the doctor said he couldn’t access the culture results from DH and the LO as they were not his patients. I told him that the clinic we went to assured me that he could look on the provincial system using their medicare card numbers, to which he paused, saying “well, I guess I COULD do that” with a long sigh. Seriously? Do you need some espresso next time I come in? He slowly went into the system and confirmed what we had already learned; DH was still negative even on his culture and the LO was positive. Next he went over my test results. He said that he was surprised to learn that the culture he took, himself, had also come back positive. Funny how that happens after a handful of previous tests said the same thing! In addition, my blood tests were not what he expected. He explained that everyone has strep colonies in them, the levels of which can be seen through a simple blood test. Mine, howe...

Culture shock!

Oh, where to begin!? I guess my family doctor said it best; generally speaking I am in good health, but when he sees me he knows that it will be something interesting! Frustrating for me, but at least I keep him on his toes. Last April, kind of out of nowhere, I came down with a fever, chills and a tremendously sore throat. I grew up plagued with strep so I knew the symptoms quite well! And, sure enough, that was what was diagnosed. Since I was finally proven to be NOT allergic to Penicillin, after thinking I was for about 20 years, they prescribed it hoping my body would react well. After feeling like I had been hit by a truck for the first 48 hours, I bounced back quite well from then on. Until about 3 days after I finished the medication…. Again, out of nowhere, chills and a sore throat. I went back to the clinic and the rapid strep test came back positive once more. To be certain, they did a culture as well and I was given a different version of Penicillin and told I should b...