It has been 9 days since our LO had two surgeries; one for strabismus (crossed eyes) and another to replace the tube in her ear that fell out soon after being placed one year ago. And, before I get to the details, I am happy to report that everything was a success! I will start with her ears since the explanation is simpler. Basically, she has had chronic ear infections since she was 4 months old. Last year, not yet 2yrs old, her ENT placed tubes in both ears to encourage better fluid drainage in order to help prevent infection. By the time she had her follow-up, 3 months later, one had already found its way out of her ear and we were dealing with the first of many more infections. Once the decision was made that she would be having eye surgery (requiring anesthesia), and after her eardrum partially ruptured causing us to have her ear vacuumed out twice in a week (not fun!), her ENT agreed to place a new tube in for us. Now, strabismus surgery... I myself had this surgery ...