Third times the charm?

As the LO’s surgery was considered urgent, we were put on the waitlist for two alternate hospitals in addition to our primary care facility. We were initially scheduled for next Friday in one of the alternates, but due to a shortage of staff they cancelled our spot. As a result, our primary is pushing her into their already busy schedule and now surgery is going to be this Monday! And, while nervous about yet another procedure, I am very happy with this decision!

Her first surgery (ears only) took place at the alternate location so we were already familiar with their setup. While there was nothing fundamentally wrong with their facilities, I just didn’t find them to be as comfortable, spacious and accommodating as our primary was back in September for her second surgery (ears and eyes). We didn’t have very much room to maneuver, hardly a chair to sit in, nowhere inviting while we waited and no one-on-one care afterwards. Granted, the surgery was so simple that she went to daycare right afterwards so maybe we didn’t need care.

So, this time we are replacing the fallen tube for hopefully the last time, possibly replacing the original tube if it looks like it needs it, and removing her adenoids. Not as bad of a recovery as removing the tonsils, apparently, but still a number of days resting at home afterwards. And, hopefully once this is done her Eustachian tubes will be able to clear themselves of fluid more efficiently and we can minimize the number of infections she has been plagued by and get her hearing back up to 100%!

While they say that she should be home for some time, I am hoping to get cleared for a couple of half days at daycare later in the week if she is up to it. She has a horrible time transitioning back into the routine the longer she is away from it and I feel she would benefit from going.

Thankfully, she is very at ease with doctors and hospital visits, to the point where she cried over the holidays because I was going to see a doctor without her, but I am more than ready to be done with it all! Especially considering we have another follow up with ophthalmology that I am confident will result in a revision surgery soon as well. It's very hard to watch your LO suffer, although she is a trooper.

So, that’s the story. Another early morning trip to the hospital on Monday with a long day ahead for all of us.
