Adulting is hard!

With 40 years looming around the corner, I’ve gotta say… adulting is hard! I mean, generally speaking, everything is under control – but it takes effort to make it look easy!

I generally do nothing for my birthday; dinner with DH and the LO and that’s about it. But, every decade or so I like to mix things up a little. I agreed to let my co-workers throw me a little birthday lunch which was held yesterday. It was small, with a guest list that I created, so that was fantastic! Friday I originally had plans for a 5 a 7 but those have fallen through and we will be doing my MIL’s birthday instead. Saturday I have reserved a table for about 15 of us at a kids amusement center. People keep asking me why I would do that for MY birthday and all I can say is that I wouldn’t be me without my LO so, why not? Plus, foam ball air cannons I can shoot people with… I mean, duh! And Sunday is the BIG DAY. Dinner with a couple of dozen friends and family followed by a custom ordered birthday cake all for me!

So, yeah, pretty busy weekend ahead!

But, while finalizing all the plans for this weekend something unexpected (and unwanted) happened. We had a leak in our home! I was doing laundry after our mini camping trip and stepped in water that shouldn’t have been on the floor. We traced it back up to our spare room and then up to our main bathroom from there. If you don’t already have home insurance with coverage for water damage, GET SOME because it is crazy how much damage it did. The plumbing was fixed immediately, but a large storage closet was ruined, 2 walls need to be torn out, the floor was mushy and has already been removed and we possibly have damage in our hallway and half bath as well. We have been dealing with water/mold remediation, contractors and insurance adjusters for about 10 days now with no end in sight. By the time they give us a proper estimate of the money they will give us it will be mid September, probably October before we start renovating. It will be worth it to have a “new” space in the end, and we are hoping to be able to install a shower now as well, but I didn’t need this right now! Yay for home insurance?

With all of the above, major lifestyle changes on the horizon and the workload quickly increasing for the fall semester, I noticed my moods were beginning to swing a little sooner than usual with the stress of it all. I decided to listen to my body and have upped my anxiety meds about a month before planned so that things don’t get out of hand. I have also booked an appointment with my therapist in early September after a summer break for us both.

Also, I don’t know if it’s because of my age or that my daughter will soon be 4yrs old, but for some reason a number of people have been asking me about a sibling for her lately. Really? Anyhow, I politely tell them that it isn’t going to happen and started to add that I have decided to give her a happy, stable and healthy Mommy instead of a sibling.

Which reminds me… we need to decide what to do with our remaining frozen embryos… more adulting!
“The women I love and admire for their strength and grace did not get that way because shit worked out. They got that way because shit went wrong and they handled it. They handled it a thousand different ways on a thousand different days, but they handled it. Those women are my superheroes.”
Elizabeth Gilbert
Ps. I took out my eyebrow ring today. No particular reason why, just because, which is similarly why I got it in the first place. See... more adulting, removing one piercing at a time! 7/13 left to go!
